Film Synopsis:
At the age of seven months, Christopher Rush was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy, and his parents were told he would be “no more than a dishrag, and dead by the age of two.” Christopher lived to 30, and in that time he achieved more than most able-bodied people do in a lifetime including becoming the first quadriplegic in the United States licensed as a scuba diver. He was the manager of his high school basketball team; he went to prom; he graduated from the University of Michigan with honors; and he graduated with a Juris Doctor from Wayne State University.
Shortly before his death, Chris developed a motivational program called GO FAR, a series of steps that could help guide people who wanted to achieve their goals despite the insurmountable obstacles in front of them. His mission was to share this program with those with disabilities, and by his definition, “Everyone has a disability.”
This film is Chris’ life story and a continuation of his work; it will inspire not only those with disabilities, but everyone, to follow their dreams, no matter the obstacles.
The film is narrated by actor Mark Hamill as the voice of Christopher Rush.
The purpose of this film is simple: To share Christopher’s inspirational story and teach his GO FAR program to those that it can truly help the most. In life, Chris was incredibly accomplished, optimistic, spiritual, and inspirational. He led by example and taught others to do the same. Unfortunately, he developed his GO FAR motivational program just before his death and was unable to complete it and share it with the world. With this film, Chris’ message and legacy can live on. Chris was a passionate advocate for the disabled, and his goal was very simple – for people to understand that having a physical disability does not necessarily mean having a limited life. After viewing this film, those with disabilities will have an example of how to achieve their goals in life, no matter the obstacles. And even those without disabilities will earn how to apply the GO FAR principles to achieve their goals. Our dream is to travel nationwide to different charities and organizations that support various disabilities, and screen GO FAR for their members. This was Chris’ plan: To spread his GO FAR program directly to those it can help the most. And while no person or film can replace the power that Chris had to inspire, we have worked the last seven years to create a documentary film powerful enough to serve that purpose. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of the GO FAR study guide will fund a scholarship in Christopher’s name that will go to deserving individuals who aspire to achieve their goals regardless of the obstacles in front of them.